Dr. med. Stefanie Jargstorff
1972 | born in Stuttgart, schooling in Waiblingen |
1991 – 1993 | Business studies at the VWA at BOSCH |
1993 – 1999 | Medicalstudies in Tübingen Doctorate: “Acetabulary revision altalthroplasty withallograft implants in various prosthetic models” Orthopaedic Clinic, published in the Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica, May/June 1999 |
1999 | Student in practical year (PJ) in Melbourne/Australia and at the Friedrichshafen Municipal Hospital |
2000 – 2001 | Doctor in internship (AiP) at the Municipal Hospital Karlruhe, Clinic for Radiotherapy |
2001 – 2004 | Assistant physician at MonashUniversity Hospitals, Melbourne/Australia (rotations in emergency medicine, internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, gynecology/birth aid, geriatrics) |
2004 – 2005 | Assistant Physician, Internal Medicine, Red Cross Hospital, Bad Cannstatt |
2005 | Birth of my daughter |
2006 – 2009 | Assistant physician in a general medicine practice in Neuhausen a. d. Fildern |
Dec 2009 | Specialist Examination for General Medicine |
2010 | employed specialist in an anthroposophically oriented general practitioner’s office in Filderstadt |
2010-2011 | employed specialist in a general medicine practice in Neuhausen a.d.F. |
April 2011 | Additional designation Naturheilverfahren |
since Oct. 2011 | Practice community with Dr. med. Wolfgang Streit, Stuttgart-Vaihingen |
Kneipp Medical Association and IGNK (International Society for Natural and Cultural Medicine)
Practice Dr. med. Stefanie Jargstorff
General medicine and naturopathic procedures
Robert-Leicht-Str. 15
70563 Stuttgart-Vaihingen
General medicine and naturopathic procedures
Robert-Leicht-Str. 15
70563 Stuttgart-Vaihingen
Phone | +49 (0)711 782 82 48 |
Fax | +49 (0)711 782 82 49 |